I ran 4 miles with my husband on Tuesday night. My legs were really tired from my 12 mile run on Sunday. I kept up with him for a while, but he ended up kicking my butt. Of course, that did not put me in a good mood. Don't get me wrong, he is in fantastic shape. However, I should be in better
running shape, shouldn't I? My competitve nature just takes control, even when I kept telling myself to run slow because I needed an easy day. I need to get over this, because I am never going to win a marathon; I need to take pleasure in something other than beating someone in the race. I am afraid this competitive spirit of mine is going to result in injury if I don't reign it in. Everyone says the goal for your first marathon should be
finishing. When I look at various training programs in books, I hate looking at the one that says "training to finish." I need to figure out how to get joy out of finishing this race, regardless of my time.