Monday, April 21, 2008

It's Monday Again...

I am sitting in my office tracking the Boston marathon times of my 51 year old aunt and another 51-year-old who works in my office. I am 29 and I can't even fathom qualifying for Boston, but it sounds awesome. Maybe someday...I suppose I need to actually run a marathon before my goals get too lofty. I ran in a 5K on Saturday, and I ran a 23:26, my fastest time ever. It was an absolutely beautiful day. My husband ran, too, and he's definitely gaining on me; he ran a 23:40. It is really fun to run with him, but I don't think I will be able to convince him to run a marathon with me. Saturday night we stayed up really late. I had a few drinks, but I didn't overdo it. However, I was really tired Sunday morning and we had plans to run trails in the canyon. We ran about 4 1/2 miles (I wanted to run 6-8), and I just ran out of fuel. We didn't make it to the Canyon until after 10:30 a.m., and it was already over 80 degrees. I got hot and grumpy, and I wound up with a sunburn. I learned my lesson--it is getting hot outside, so I am either going to have to get my runs in really early or really late. I don't do well in the heat. Last week was a light week, so I need 25 miles this week. I will post my training schedule soon. I have to work now...more later.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another Day, Another Run

I ran 4 miles with my husband on Tuesday night. My legs were really tired from my 12 mile run on Sunday. I kept up with him for a while, but he ended up kicking my butt. Of course, that did not put me in a good mood. Don't get me wrong, he is in fantastic shape. However, I should be in better running shape, shouldn't I? My competitve nature just takes control, even when I kept telling myself to run slow because I needed an easy day. I need to get over this, because I am never going to win a marathon; I need to take pleasure in something other than beating someone in the race. I am afraid this competitive spirit of mine is going to result in injury if I don't reign it in. Everyone says the goal for your first marathon should be finishing. When I look at various training programs in books, I hate looking at the one that says "training to finish." I need to figure out how to get joy out of finishing this race, regardless of my time.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Need Some Motivation!!

Many of you know that I started training for my first marathon in November 2007. I have been training consistently, especially in the last few months, and I have discovered that this is going to be quite a journey. I have decided to post on this blog so that I can share my experience with my friends and family. In addition, I intend to post my training schedule. I figure it will be good motivation to know that people are following my progress. Hopefully that will get me out of the house on the days when I just want to sit in front of the TV.