Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Crazy Week in Review

I finally got a few minutes to post. Things have been crazy since Monday, between starting the new job and visiting my family in Oklahoma City for the Thanksgiving holiday. I cannot believe how fast the week has gone by, but it has been a good one.
The New Job. This is definitely going to be a nice change for me. I started on Monday and spent all day in orientation, learning about everything from insurance to computers. On Tuesday and Wednesday, I actually got to focus more on my actual job. I think I will be busy and have a lot of interesting and challenging work. The office was pretty quiet because a lot of people were out for the holidays, so I haven't met everyone yet. However, everyone I have met has been helpful and nice. I am looking forward to getting into the job more in the weeks to come.
The Traffic. I think the commute will be the biggest adjustment for me. Time wise, it is not much different than my commute to work in Amarillo. However, there's more bumper-to-bumper stop-and-go traffic in Fort Worth, so it just takes longer to get places, especially in the evenings after work. I usually leave my house around 7:15 a.m., so the morning traffic is pretty easy. The company I work for has a parking garage downtown, so I don't have to fight for parking in the mornings. Our apartment is probably on the busiest highway in the area, so we probably won't live anywhere near it when we buy a house.
Running. There's been plenty of time for me to run. Unfortunately, this time of year, it is dark when I leave in the mornings and dark by the time I get home from work. That means lots of time on the treadmill on weekdays. My outside running is done on the weekends. I hate the treadmill, but my runs are getting shorter since the marathon is so close. Once the marathon is over, I will probably mix it up and take some spinning classes and maybe even a swimming lesson. Maybe a triathlon is in my future? David has started these, and it looks like fun. Who knows? I will wait and see if I ever want to run again after the marathon.
David and I did 6 miles on Thanksgiving Day here in OKC. It is hilly around my parents' home, so I got some good hill work in. We are going to do 13 miles around a lake near their house today or tomorrow before we leave to go home. That will be my last long run before the marathon. Two weeks from tomorrow, at this time, I will be running White Rock! It seemed like it was taking forever, and now it is almost here.
Thoughts on the Marathon. I truly do not believe that I am ready for this race. Between all the moving and eating over the holiday, I am scared to death that I am not prepared. Now that my runs are tapering off, I am nervous that I am not fit enough to run a marathon. Apparently these are typical thoughts during tapering, but all those articles I have read on this subject aren't making me feel any better. Basically, I am freaking out. I know I can run 20 miles at once, but it seems like it will be too long between that run and the marathon. I know I have been training for a year, but now I am afraid I haven't trained enough. Regardless, I am going to be out there in fourteen days running, whether I am ready or not. I have been told that if I run slowly, I can run forever. That's what I am hoping for. That, and to finish this stinking thing and still feel decent at the end. I hope that isn't too much to ask.


Unknown said...

Wow such exciting changes in your life!
I hope your Thanksgiving went well.
You will make it in the marathon-- have faith,
you are determined and prepared. It is just a bit of cold feet.

mindibz said...

You are prepared for this marathon. All your thoughts, fears, doubts are natural! Trust your training. I liken it to the time between the bar exam and results---you're constantly wondering if you did enough, but in the end, you just have to remember all the hard work you put in, cross your fingers, and hope for the best. You're going to do great, and I'm so pumped that I'll be there to cheer you on!