Sunday, December 7, 2008

Less Than a Week Until the Marathon

Next week at this time, I will be finished with the White Rock Marathon. You think that would make me motivated to go out for a short run each day, but it hasn't. I ran one time this week. That's right, I said one time. That is not good. David got into town late Wednesday evening, and we left for San Francisco on Thursday afternoon. I got my run in Friday morning in San Francisco, and it was a good one. I ran around the financial district and by the coast near the Ferry Building. The weather was beautiful, even at 6:30 a.m. on Friday morning. It was nice and refreshing to be out running by the ocean in the breeze. You think that would have motivated me to get up on Saturday morning and go for a run, but it didn't. I used the excuse that I should enjoy San Fran for the few hours we had Saturday before we left, and that I would run on Sunday. Instead, I spent all day today doing laundry and visiting open houses in Fort Worth. I had good intentions, but I didn't follow through.

Now I am freaking out. I told David this today, and he said that the last year of running hasn't gone anywhere. Now that I have been out of the habit for a week, I feel like the last year of running has literally disappeared. Now I have run only once this week, and I am supposed to be mentally prepared for the marathon on Sunday. Well, I am not. We were out driving around this morning around 10:30 a.m., and I realized that next week I will have been running for approximately 2 1/2 hours and I will still have two hours to go!!! What am I thinking??? I cannot believe I am doing this. In all honesty, even if I were still living in Amarillo, working my old job, and religiously following my training schedule, I would be freaking out. All these changes in my life have just added fuel to the fire. Now I am just hoping that I can finish this race. I am very concerned that next Sunday is going to be a very, very long day.

San Francisco was a blast; I just wish we could have stayed longer. We had the privilege of flying on a private jet and staying in a wonderful hotel. We got to eat some delicious seafood (I tried to eat crab at every meal) and see Phantom of the Opera at the Orpheum Theater. We spent Saturday morning walking through the farmer's market at the Ferry Building and visiting China Town and Union Square. It was a quick trip, but we had a great time. Here are some of our photos:


Connie said...

Don't you LOVE company paid trips! Levi and I went to Chicago last year and it was the best trip we've ever had despite the work he had to do.

Don't think about the race. Think about how it will feel to be DONE. See yourself wearing the medal or making out with it, whichever suits you. Think of the fabulous meal you will eat afterwards and how you can say....well, I couldn't go shopping on Sunday b/c I RAN A MARATHON...and I ROCK.

There. That's my pep talk.

Anonymous said...

Okay aren't you supposed to be tappering your run two weeks before? So good job you're doing just as you're supposed to. You are going to do awesome!!! You haven't done all this training for nothing. GOD will carry you through with your determination. You're one fighter!!! GOOD LUCK SUNDAY--- WOW I can't believe it's already here. Lori Cole

mindibz said...

Girl, I would be feeling the exact same way. And I know that you know that one week of missed runs will not kill over a year of training, but man, it's hard to contain those irrational thoughts! Cling to your training. Go over your color-coded Excel spreadsheets :-) and remind yourself of all the hard work you've put in. And frankly, remember all the people who've done this (and some of them even well) with far less preparation than you! I can promise you it will be one long day, but it will be awesome!

krgoree said...

My mixed dbls partner runs marathons all the time. This is his advice to you:

ell her do not waste her energy stressing. The last 2 weeks of training
is just to keep you busy,

Her majority of her training for the race has already happened- the
foundation/base running was in the middle of the training schedule.

1. Rest on Friday and Saturday.
2. Do not start off too fast- (the excitement of the race tends to have
people start off way too fast)
maintain a comfortable pace and then if it is too slow get faster after
the 6 mile marker or wait until the 13 mile marker

3.Enjoy the race. not many people complete a marathon.

Good Luck, I am assuming she running White Rock Marathon-

I know you will still worry, but my suggestion would be no. 3. Good luck.

cfstroud said...

Thanks for all of your advice, ladies! Although I am still worried, you have all made me feel better.