18 miles. I have only now come to the point where I can try to learn something from that gruesome run in the wind this past Saturday. Here are some of the things that have been on my mind since my longest run ever:
- First things first -- I ran 18 miles!! That's crazy, because some days I don't even drive 18 miles. In addition, I ran all of those miles in conditions in which I do not even like to drive my car. I can truly say that I am proud of myself for pushing through the pain.
- Continuation of the GU Challenge. This week, I tried Vanilla Bean, Espresso Love, and Lemon-Lime. Vanilla Bean and Espresso Love made the cut. Even if Espresso Love tasted terrible, I would probably keep in the line-up for the mere fact that it has double caffeine!
- I need to learn how to apply sunscreen. Have you ever gotten one of those funky sunburns, where it is obvious that you attempted to apply sunscreen while talking on the phone, loading the washer, and applying lip balm all at the same time?? I have one of those now. It is lovely.
- Reapply Body Glide--Often. I wore the same sleeveless top to run my 18 miles that I wore in my 17 mile run. I had no chafing on my 17 mile run. On my 18 mile run, the chafing under my arms was nearly unbearable. I had to run in an uncomfortable "arms way too far away from my body" position that was awkward and basically ineffective. I either have to carry a mini body glide or wear sleeves, because chafing is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
- Running really is an analogy for life. So many times on a long run, I literally have to say to myself, "just make it to the next light pole" (and the next, and the next). It is such a good analogy for taking things one step at a time, which is wonderful for me because in my life I am often running in a hundred different directions trying to be everything for everyone. Over the weekend, David and I made one of the biggest decisions of our lives: we have decided to move to Fort Worth, Texas. I accepted a position as in-house litigation counsel for a corporation located there. The opportunity is amazing, and it literally fell into my lap. It was difficult to tell family and friends and people at work that I was leaving, but I used my get-past-one-light pole-at-a-time philosophy, and I am less stressed than I ever thought I would be. It will be interesting to see how I handle all of the marathon training (including 20 and 22 mile runs) while trying to move. However, I have committed to the marathon and the one-step-at-a-time approach, so I know in the end it will all work out just fine (or I will have a nervous breakdown, but I am hoping for the best)!
On another note -- those of you out there anonymously reading this blog (and I am hoping there are some of you), please know that I am feeling like a complete loser with my lack of blog comments! I would love to hear from you...
I am so proud of your courage to take this new job! While I am sad for me, I am ecstatic for you! I know we'll always be friends, but I will miss the intimacy that comes with interacting everyday and knowing the mundane workings of our everyday lives. I can't believe all I have been training for is less than a week away and all you have been training for is less than 6 weeks away! Wouldn't have made it without you; that's for sure!
Hi, Christine,
Congratulations on your new job, although we'll be sad to lose David. Although ... heck, if things continue the way they are ... everyone might bail!
As for the blog comments ... everyone who blogs feels this way. For some reason, as I've discovered, people just don't comment. I have no idea why. I do! On every blog I read, I will comment, although not all the time.
I think now that I know how it feels to be responded to, or not, I try harder to comment on others' blogs.
Get a blog counter of some kind. It might reassure you that people ARE reading.
One last thing, I'm learning it takes quite a while to build up a readership base, but in order to do it, no matter how discouraged you might get about that, you have to keep posting. The more often you do it, the more readers or hits you'll get.
Like I said, a blog counter helps. It tells you a lot about what people are most interested in, too.
Just keep running and writing!
GUILTY. I always read your blogs and find a lot of inspiration in them. If Lynn hadn't told me you were moving, I would have found sadness in them also. Seems like all the "family" is moving. Good luck in Fort Worth -- hopefully I won't see your name run across my desk at work in the near future! Good luck in your race. I don't understand the fun in running, but I guess it is there for some people. Enjoy your GU. I use the vanilla GU in tennis.
Ladies - thanks for your comemnts. I knew Karen was lurking out there and not leaving comments! :-) This will be a great way for us to keep in touch after we move.
ok, ok...I'm new at this blog commenting thing. But I'm catching on! I'll will try harder. I'm so excited about your new job and big move. I know, moving sucks....believe me, I know. I've moved WAY too many times for a 25-year-old! But, it's such an exciting time for you and David. Bodyglide IS a lifesaver...I remember ;)
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