Sunday, November 16, 2008

Going-Away Party

During our time in Amarillo, David and I have been blessed with wonderful friends. Our friends Mindi and Jonathan threw us a going-away party this past Thursday, and many people came to wish us well. We had a great group of friends from my work, as well as several of our running buddies. Although I am definitely sad to be leaving my hometown of Amarillo, I am sure that I have made the right decision to take a new job and move to Fort Worth. I am looking forward to maintaining friendships with all the great people I have met in Amarillo, as well as making new friends in my new city.


Anonymous said...

OK, so I know I don't know any of you well at all, but I'm wondering ... did Mindi give Johnathon that black eye? ;-)

Anonymous said...

By the way, did David ever tell you the inmates call him "Jesus?"

Adrian said...

awww...that was so nice. I'm glad you had a good party. I want to hear all about your last day...I will call you soon. Brett and I are going to the Coldplay concert tonight!! I'm with Jami...I would definitely put my money down on the guess that Mindi was responsible for the shiner. If not...I'm sure there's a good story behind it :) Love you!

mindibz said...

I asked him to help me clean up for the party. He said "no", and so the story goes...

Of course, not really! He got elbowed in a basketball game...

So happy to celebrate with you, friend!

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed your party. Are you and Mindi still in denial or has reality hit yet? Denial only works for so long and then you face the dreaded good-bye, it's only temporary though because Dec. 14th is soon to be here. See ya then. Lori